Jessie SApr 3, 2020Focus and crisis?I can write a few sentences at a time. A few words to a friend, a response to stimuli. I can work on projects that are already in motion,...
Laurie CreachMar 23, 2020Should we bounce back?Just a couple of weeks ago, I had been giving a new presentation at work. It seems like months ago now, but this theme has been working...
Laurie AnzilottiMar 23, 2020Better Together?As I gasped to catch my breath after my morning run, I silently blessed each shuttered business I walked past. Tears filled my eyes. And...
Lauren VersemanMar 20, 2020On hidingI read somewhere, shortly before Lent, that sometimes repentance is doing the opposite of whatever you do to hide. Now...I am certainly a...
Lauren VersemanMar 19, 2020Vernal equinoxThis phrase refreshes me with its slightly strange sounds, the magic it seems to invoke, the promises it holds. Equinox. When the center...
Sara JohnsonMar 18, 2020MarginI have built a life that intentionally includes margin because I am better with space. Space to let my thoughts wander, space to grow a...
Lauren VersemanMar 17, 2020Will this save the world?Is it possible that the world is trying to save itself?