Lauren VersemanApr 12, 2020Seeking life in the formless voidIt’s Easter, and I’m aware that I’m supposed to be thinking about new life. Or at least life again. So I sit on my stoop with the birds...
Jessie SApr 3, 2020Focus and crisis?I can write a few sentences at a time. A few words to a friend, a response to stimuli. I can work on projects that are already in motion,...
Jill SchantzApr 2, 2020Thank You Rabbi So, Holy Week looms for Christians. I work in a seminary. All are aflutter with- what will be DO for this time? How will we do EASTER?...
Lauren VersemanMar 20, 2020On hidingI read somewhere, shortly before Lent, that sometimes repentance is doing the opposite of whatever you do to hide. Now...I am certainly a...
Lauren VersemanMar 17, 2020InfectiousI've been thinking about how a virus is not quite it needs us and uses us to replicate itself in the world. This is so much...